Internet Info 1994 March
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Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp,alt.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!csus.edu!netcom.com!gbe
From: gbe@netcom.com (Gary Edstrom)
Subject: alt.security.pgp FAQ (Part 4/5)
Message-ID: <gbe94Apr1717400405@netcom.com>
Followup-To: poster
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for alt.security.pgp
Keywords: pgp privacy security encryption RSA IDEA MD5
Supersedes: <gbe94Mar1310030404@netcom.com>
Reply-To: gbe@netcom.com (Gary Edstrom)
Organization: Sequoia Software
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
References: <gbe94Apr1717400105@netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 00:52:50 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 07:00:00 GMT
Lines: 865
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu alt.security.pgp:11407 alt.answers:2465 news.answers:18190
Archive-name: pgp-faq/part4
Version: 9
Last-modified: 1994/4/17
a convenient package that everyone can use in a desktop or palmtop
computer. Then I gave it away for free, for the good of our
democracy. This could have popped up anywhere, and spread. Other
people could have and would have done it. And are doing it. Again
and again. All over the planet. This technology belongs to
III. People want their privacy very badly.
PGP has spread like a prairie fire, fanned by countless people who
fervently want their privacy restored in the information age.
Today, human rights organizations are using PGP to protect their
people overseas. Amnesty International uses it. The human rights
group in the American Association for the Advancement of Science uses
Some Americans don't understand why I should be this concerned about
the power of Government. But talking to people in Eastern Europe, you
don't have to explain it to them. They already get it-- and they
don't understand why we don't.
I want to read you a quote from some E-mail I got last week from
someone in Latvia, on the day that Boris Yeltsin was going to war
with his Parliament:
"Phil I wish you to know: let it never be, but if dictatorship
takes over Russia your PGP is widespread from Baltic to Far East
now and will help democratic people if necessary. Thanks."
Appendix -- How Public-Key Cryptography Works
- ---------------------------------------------
In conventional cryptosystems, such as the US Federal Data Encryption
Standard (DES), a single key is used for both encryption and
decryption. This means that a key must be initially transmitted via
secure channels so that both parties have it before encrypted
messages can be sent over insecure channels. This may be
inconvenient. If you have a secure channel for exchanging keys, then
why do you need cryptography in the first place?
In public key cryptosystems, everyone has two related complementary
keys, a publicly revealed key and a secret key. Each key unlocks the
code that the other key makes. Knowing the public key does not help
you deduce the corresponding secret key. The public key can be
published and widely disseminated across a communications network.
This protocol provides privacy without the need for the same kind of
secure channels that a conventional cryptosystem requires.
Anyone can use a recipient's public key to encrypt a message to that
person, and that recipient uses her own corresponding secret key to
decrypt that message. No one but the recipient can decrypt it,
because no one else has access to that secret key. Not even the
person who encrypted the message can decrypt it.
Message authentication is also provided. The sender's own secret key
can be used to encrypt a message, thereby "signing" it. This creates
a digital signature of a message, which the recipient (or anyone
else) can check by using the sender's public key to decrypt it. This
proves that the sender was the true originator of the message, and
that the message has not been subsequently altered by anyone else,
because the sender alone possesses the secret key that made that
signature. Forgery of a signed message is infeasible, and the sender
cannot later disavow his signature.
These two processes can be combined to provide both privacy and
authentication by first signing a message with your own secret key,
then encrypting the signed message with the recipient's public key.
The recipient reverses these steps by first decrypting the message
with her own secret key, then checking the enclosed signature with
your public key. These steps are done automatically by the
recipient's software.
- --
Philip Zimmermann
3021 11th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80304
303 541-0140
E-mail: prz@acm.org
- --
Appendix VI - Anouncement of Philip Zimmermann Defense Fund.
Reproduced by permission.
- From prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU Thu Oct 14 23:16:32 1993
Return-Path: <prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
Received: from ncar.ucar.edu by mail.netcom.com (5.65/SMI-4.1/Netcom)
id AA05680; Thu, 14 Oct 93 23:16:29 -0700
Received: from sage.cgd.ucar.edu by ncar.ucar.EDU (5.65/ NCAR Central Post
Office 03/11/93)
id AA01642; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:15:34 MDT
Received: from columbine.cgd.ucar.edu by sage.cgd.ucar.EDU (5.65/ NCAR Mail
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id AA22977; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:14:08 MDT
Message-Id: <9310150616.AA09815@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
Received: by columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU (4.1/ NCAR Mail Server 04/10/90)
id AA09815; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:16:57 MDT
Subject: PGP legal defense fund
To: gbe@netcom.com (Gary Edstrom)
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 93 0:16:56 MDT
From: Philip Zimmermann <prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <9310112013.AA07737@netcom5.netcom.com>; from "Gary Edstrom" at
Oct 11, 93 1:13 pm
From: Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org>
Reply-To: Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org>
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
Status: OR
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 02:41:31 -0600 (CDT)
From: hmiller@orion.it.luc.edu (Hugh Miller)
Subject: PGP defense fund
As you may already know, on September 14 LEMCOM Systems (ViaCrypt)
in Phoenix, Arizona was served with a subpoena issued by the US District
Court of Northern California to testify before a grand jury and produce
documents related to "ViaCrypt, PGP, Philip Zimmermann, and anyone or
any entity acting on behalf of Philip Zimmermann for the time period
June 1, 1991 to the present."
Phil Zimmermann has been explicitly told that he is the primary
target of the investigation being mounted from the San Jose office of
U.S. Customs. It is not known if there are other targets. Whether or
not an indictment is returned in this case, the legal bills will be
If this case comes to trial, it will be one of the most important
cases in recent times dealing with cryptography, effective
communications privacy, and the free flow of information and ideas in
cyberspace in the post-Cold War political order. The stakes are high,
both for those of us who support the idea of effective personal
communications privacy and for Phil, who risks jail for his selfless and
successful effort to bring to birth "cryptography for the masses,"
a.k.a. PGP. Export controls are being used as a means to curtail
domestic access to effective cryptographic tools: Customs is taking the
position that posting cryptographic code to the Internet is equivalent
to exporting it. Phil has assumed the burden and risk of being the
first to develop truly effective tools with which we all might secure
our communications against prying eyes, in a political environment
increasingly hostile to such an idea -- an environment in which Clipper
chips and Digital Telephony bills are our own government's answer to our
concerns. Now is the time for us all to step forward and help shoulder
that burden with him.
Phil is assembling a legal defense team to prepare for the
possibility of a trial, and he needs your help. This will be an
expensive affair, and the meter is already ticking. I call on all of us,
both here in the U.S. and abroad, to help defend Phil and perhaps
establish a groundbreaking legal precedent. A legal trust fund has been
established with Phil's attorney in Boulder. Donations will be accepted
in any reliable form, check, money order, or wire transfer, and in any
currency. Here are the details:
To send a check or money order by mail, make it payable, NOT to Phil
Zimmermann, but to Phil's attorney, Philip Dubois. Mail the check or money
order to the following address:
Philip Dubois
2305 Broadway
Boulder, CO USA 80304
(Phone #: 303-444-3885)
To send a wire transfer, your bank will need the following
Bank: VectraBank
Routing #: 107004365
Account #: 0113830
Account Name: "Philip L. Dubois, Attorney Trust Account"
Any funds remaining after the end of legal action will be returned
to named donors in proportion to the size of their donations.
You may give anonymously or not, but PLEASE - give generously. If
you admire PGP, what it was intended to do and the ideals which animated
its creation, express your support with a contribution to this fund.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted to: alt.security.pgp; sci.crypt; talk.politics.crypto;
comp.org.eff.talk; comp.society.cu-digest; comp.society; alt.sci.sociology;
alt.security.index; alt.security.keydist; alt.security;
alt.society.civil-liberty; alt.society.civil-disob; alt.society.futures
- --
Hugh Miller | Asst. Prof. of Philosophy | Loyola University Chicago
FAX: 312-508-2292 | Voice: 312-508-2727 | hmiller@lucpul.it.luc.edu
PGP 2.3A Key fingerprint: FF 67 57 CC 0C 91 12 7D 89 21 C7 12 F7 CF C5 7E
Appendix VII - A Statement from ViaCrypt Concerning ITAR
Reproduced by Permission
The ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) includes
a regulation that requires a manufacturer of cryptographic
products to register with the U.S. State Department even if the
manufacturer has no intentions of exporting products. It appears
that this particular regulation is either not widely known, or
is widely ignored.
While no pressure was placed upon ViaCrypt to register, it is the
Company's position to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
In keeping with this philosophy, ViaCrypt has registered with the
U.S. Department of State as a munitions manufacturer.
Version: 2.4
Appendix VIII - United States Congress Phone and FAX List
Since PGP is such a political piece of software, I felt that it would be
appropriate to include a phone and fax list for the executive and legislative
branches of the United States government. If you care at all about the issue
of personal privacy, please write to your local representitives and the
President expressing your feelings.
1 February 1993
The White House
=== ===== =====
President Bill Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1414 Switchboard
(202) 456-1111 Comment line
(202) 456-2883 FAX 1
(202) 456-2461 FAX 2
75300.3115@compuserve.com EMail
president@whitehouse.gov EMail
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-6266
Vice President Albert Gore
Old Executive Office Building
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-2326
vice-president@whitehouse.gov EMail
The Cabinet
=== =======
- --------
Ronald H. Brown
Department of Commerce
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230
(202) 482-4901
- -------
Les Aspin
Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301
(703) 697-5737
- -----
Warren Christopher
Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
(202) 647-6575
(202) 647-7120 FAX
- -------
Janet Reno
Attorney General
Department of Justice
10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 514-2007
(202) 514-5331 FAX
- --------
Lloyd Bentsen
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220
(202) 622-2960
(202) 622-1999 FAX
Federal Information Center
- ------- ----------- ------
(800) 726-4995
US Senate, 103rd Congress phone and fax numbers
Information from US Congress Yellow Book, January 1993
p st name phone fax
= == ======================== ============== ==============
R AK Murkowski, Frank H. 1-202-224-6665 1-202-224-5301
R AK Stevens, Ted 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-1044
D AL Heflin, Howell T. 1-202-224-4124 1-202-224-3149
D AL Shelby, Richard C. 1-202-224-5744 1-202-224-3416
D AR Bumpers, Dale 1-202-224-4843 1-202-224-6435
D AR Pryor, David 1-202-224-2353 na
D AZ DeConcini, Dennis 1-202-224-4521 1-202-224-2302
R AZ McCain, John 1-202-224-2235 na
D CA Boxer, Barbara 1-202-225-5161 na
D CA Feinstein, Diane 1-202-224-3841 na
D CO Campbell, Ben N. 1-202-225-4761 1-202-225-0228
R CO Brown, Henry 1-202-224-5941 na
D CT Dodd, Christopher J. 1-202-224-2823 na
D CT Lieberman, Joseph I. 1-202-224-4041 1-202-224-9750
D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R. 1-202-224-5042 na
R DE Roth Jr., William V. 1-202-224-2441 1-202-224-2805
D FL Graham, Robert 1-202-224-3041 na
R FL Mack, Connie 1-202-224-5274 1-202-224-8022
D GA Nunn, Samuel 1-202-224-3521 1-202-224-0072
R GA Coverdell, Paul 1-202-224-3643 na
D HI Akaka, Daniel K. 1-202-224-6361 1-202-224-2126
D HI Inouye, Daniel K. 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747
D IA Harkin, Thomas 1-202-224-3254 1-202-224-7431
R IA Grassley, Charles E. 1-202-224-3744 na
R ID Craig, Larry E. 1-202-224-2752 1-202-224-2573
R ID Kempthorne, Dirk 1-202-224-6142 1-202-224-5893
D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol 1-202-224-2854 na
D IL Simon, Paul 1-202-224-2152 1-202-224-0868
R IN Coats, Daniel R. 1-202-224-5623 1-202-224-8964
R IN Lugar, Richard G. 1-202-224-4814 na
R KS Dole, Robert 1-202-224-6521 1-202-224-8952
R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L. 1-202-224-4774 1-202-224-3514
D KY Ford, Wendell H. 1-202-224-4343 na
R KY McConnell, Mitch 1-202-224-2541 1-202-224-2499
D LA Breaux, John B. 1-202-224-4623 na
D LA Johnston, J. Bennett 1-202-224-5824 na
D MA Kennedy, Edward M. 1-202-224-4543 1-202-224-2417
D MA Kerry, John F. 1-202-224-2742 na
D MD Mikulski, Barbara A. 1-202-224-4654 1-202-224-8858
D MD Sarbanes, Paul S. 1-202-224-4524 1-202-224-1651
D ME Mitchell, George J. 1-202-224-5344 na
R ME Cohen, William S. 1-202-224-2523 1-202-224-2693
D MI Levin, Carl 1-202-224-6221 na
D MI Riegle Jr., Donald 1-202-224-4822 1-202-224-8834
D MN Wellstone, Paul 1-202-224-5641 1-202-224-8438
R MN Durenberger, David 1-202-224-3244 na
R MO Bond, Christopher S. 1-202-224-5721 1-202-224-8149
R MO Danforth, John C. 1-202-224-6154 na
R MS Cochran, Thad 1-202-224-5054 na
R MS Lott, Trent 1-202-224-6253 1-202-224-2262
D MT Baucus, Max 1-202-224-2651 na
R MT Burns, Conrad R. 1-202-224-2644 1-202-224-8594
R NC Faircloth, D. M. 1-202-224-3154 1-202-224-7406
R NC Helms, Jesse 1-202-224-6342 na
D ND Conrad, Kent 1-202-224-2043 na
D ND Dorgan, Byron L. 1-202-225-2611 1-202-225-9436
D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 na
D NE Kerrey, Joseph R. 1-202-224-6551 1-202-224-7645
R NH Gregg, Judd 1-202-224-3324 na
R NH Smith, Robert 1-202-224-2841 1-202-224-1353
D NJ Bradley, William 1-202-224-3224 1-202-224-8567
D NJ Lautenberg, Frank R. 1-202-224-4744 1-202-224-9707
D NM Bingaman, Jeff 1-202-224-5521 na
R NM Domenici, Pete V. 1-202-224-6621 1-202-224-7371
D NV Bryan, Richard H. 1-202-224-6244 na
D NV Reid, Harry 1-202-224-3542 1-202-224-7327
D NY Moynihan, Daniel P. 1-202-224-4451 1-202-224-9293
R NY D'Amato, Alfonse M. 1-202-224-6542 1-202-224-5871
D OH Glenn, John 1-202-224-3353 na
D OH Metzenbaum, Howard 1-202-224-2315 1-202-224-6519
D OK Boren, David L. 1-202-224-4721 na
R OK Nickles, Donald 1-202-224-5754 1-202-224-6008
R OR Hatfield, Mark O. 1-202-224-3753 na
R OR Packwood, Robert 1-202-224-5244 na
D PA Wofford, Harris 1-202-224-6324 1-202-224-4161
R PA Specter, Arlen 1-202-224-4254 na
D RI Pell, Claiborne 1-202-224-4642 1-202-224-4680
R RI Chafee, John H. 1-202-224-2921 na
D SC Hollings, Ernest F. 1-202-224-6121 na
R SC Thurmond, Strom 1-202-224-5972 1-202-224-1300
D SD Daschle, Thomas A. 1-202-224-2321 1-202-224-2047
R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1630
D TN Mathews, Harlan 1-202-224-1036 1-202-228-3679
D TN Sasser, James 1-202-224-3344 na
D TX Krueger, Robert 1-202-224-5922 na
R TX Gramm, Phil 1-202-224-2934 na
R UT Bennett, Robert 1-202-224-5444 na
R UT Hatch, Orrin G. 1-202-224-5251 1-202-224-6331
D VA Robb, Charles S. 1-202-224-4024 1-202-224-8689
R VA Warner, John W. 1-202-224-2023 1-202-224-6295
D VT Leahy, Patrick J. 1-202-224-4242 na
R VT Jeffords, James M. 1-202-224-5141 na
D WA Murray, Patty 1-202-224-2621 1-202-224-0238
R WA Gorton, Slade 1-202-224-3441 1-202-224-9393
D WI Feingold, Russell 1-202-224-5323 na
D WI Kohl, Herbert H. 1-202-224-5653 na
D WV Byrd, Robert C. 1-202-224-3954 1-202-224-4025
D WV Rockefeller, John D. 1-202-224-6472 1-202-224-1689
R WY Simpson, Alan K. 1-202-224-3424 1-202-224-1315
R WY Wallop, Malcolm 1-202-224-6441 1-202-224-3230
103rd Congress phone and fax numbers
The following information is from the US Congress "Yellow Book," Jan. 1993.
Four seats were vacant at that time, in CA, MS, OH, and WI. The list
below of 436 people includes 5 non-voting members, from Guam (GU), Puerto
Rico (PR), Samoa (SA), Virgin Islands (VI), and DC. (some of those
abbreviations may be wrong)
p st representative phone fax
= == ============================= ============== ==============
R AK Young, Donald 1-202-225-5765 1-202-225-5765
D AL Bevill, Thomas 1-202-225-4876 1-202-225-0842
D AL Browder, Glen 1-202-225-3261 1-202-225-9020
D AL Cramer Jr, Robert E. 1-202-225-4801 na
D AL Hilliard, Earl F. 1-202-225-2665 na
R AL Bachus, Spencer 1-202-225-4921 na
R AL Callahan, H. L. 1-202-225-4931 1-202-225-0562
R AL Everett, Terry 1-202-225-2901 na
D AR Lambert, Blanche 1-202-225-4076 na
D AR Thornton, Raymond 1-202-225-2506 1-202-225-9273
R AR Dickey, Jay 1-202-225-3772 1-202-225-8646
R AR Hutchinson, Tim 1-202-225-4301 na
D AZ Coppersmith, Sam 1-202-225-2635 1-202-225-2607
D AZ English, Karan 1-202-225-2190 1-202-225-8819
D AZ Pastor, Ed 1-202-225-4065 1-202-225-1655
R AZ Kolbe, James T. 1-202-225-2542 1-202-225-0378
R AZ Kyl, Jon L. 1-202-225-3361 na
R AZ Stump, Robert 1-202-225-4576 1-202-225-6328
D CA Becerra, Xavier 1-202-225-6235 1-202-225-2202
D CA Beilenson, Anthony 1-202-225-5911 na
D CA Berman, Howard L. 1-202-225-4695 na
D CA Brown Jr., George E. 1-202-225-6161 1-202-225-8671
D CA Condit, Gary 1-202-225-6131 1-202-225-0819
D CA Dellums, Ronald V. 1-202-225-2661 1-202-225-9817
D CA Dixon, Julian C. 1-202-225-7084 1-202-225-4091
D CA Dooley, Calvin M. 1-202-225-3341 1-202-225-9308
D CA Edwards, Donald 1-202-225-3072 1-202-225-9460
D CA Eshoo, Anna G. 1-202-225-8104 na
D CA Fazio, Vic 1-202-225-5716 1-202-225-0354
D CA Filner, Bob 1-202-225-8045 na
D CA Hamburg, Dan 1-202-225-3311 na
D CA Harman, Jane 1-202-225-8220 na
D CA Lantos, Thomas 1-202-225-3531 na
D CA Lehman, Richard H. 1-202-225-4540 na
D CA Martinez, Matthew G. 1-202-225-5464 1-202-225-4467
D CA Matsui, Robert T. 1-202-225-7163 1-202-225-0566
D CA McCandless, Alfred 1-202-225-5330 1-202-226-1040
D CA Miller, George 1-202-225-2095 1-202-225-5609
D CA Mineta, Norman Y. 1-202-225-2631 na
D CA Pelosi, Nancy 1-202-225-4965 1-202-225-8259
D CA Roybal-Allard, Lucille 1-202-225-1766 1-202-226-0350
D CA Schenk, Lynn 1-202-225-2040 1-202-225-2042
D CA Stark, Fortney H. 1-202-225-5065 na
D CA Torres, Esteban E. 1-202-225-5256 na
D CA Tucker III, Walter R. 1-202-225-7924 1-202-225-7926
D CA Waters, Maxine 1-202-225-2201 na
D CA Waxman, Henry A. 1-202-225-3976 1-202-225-4099
D CA Woolsey, Lynn 1-202-225-5161 na
R CA Baker, Bill 1-202-225-1880 1-202-225-2150
R CA Calvert, Ken 1-202-225-1986 na
R CA Cox, Christopher 1-202-225-5611 1-202-225-9177
R CA Cunningham, Randy 1-202-225-5452 1-202-225-2558
R CA Doolittle, John T. 1-202-225-2511 1-202-225-5444
R CA Dornan, Robert K. 1-202-225-2965 1-202-225-3694
R CA Dreier, David 1-202-225-2305 1-202-225-4745
R CA Gallegly, Elton 1-202-225-5811 na
R CA Herger, Walter W. 1-202-225-3076 1-202-225-1609
R CA Horn, Steve 1-202-225-6676 na
R CA Huffington, Michael 1-202-225-3601 na
R CA Hunter, Duncan L. 1-202-225-5672 1-202-225-0235
R CA Kim, Jay C. 1-202-225-3201 1-202-226-1485
R CA Lewis, Jerry 1-202-225-5861 1-202-225-6498
R CA McKeon, Howard P. 1-202-225-1956 1-202-226-0683
R CA Moorhead, Carlos J. 1-202-225-4176 1-202-226-1279
R CA Packard, Ronald 1-202-225-3906 1-202-225-0134
R CA Pombo, Richard 1-202-225-1947 1-202-226-0861
R CA Rohrabacher, Dana 1-202-225-2415 1-202-225-7067
R CA Royce, Ed 1-202-225-4111 na
R CA Thomas, Bill 1-202-225-2915 na
D CO Schroeder, Patricia 1-202-225-4431 1-202-225-5842
D CO Skaggs, David E. 1-202-225-2161 na
R CO Allard, Wayne 1-202-225-4676 1-202-225-8630
R CO Hefley, Joel 1-202-225-4422 1-202-225-1942
R CO McInnis, Scott 1-202-225-4761 1-202-226-0622
R CO Schaefer, Daniel 1-202-225-7882 1-202-225-7885
D CT DeLauro, Rosa 1-202-225-3661 1-202-225-4890
D CT Gejdenson, Samuel 1-202-225-2076 1-202-225-4977
D CT Kennelly, Barbara B. 1-202-225-2265 1-202-225-1031
R CT Franks, Gary 1-202-225-3822 1-202-225-5085
R CT Johnson, Nancy L. 1-202-225-4476 1-202-225-4488
R CT Shays, Christopher 1-202-225-5541 1-202-225-9629
D DC Norton, Eleanor Holmes 1-202-225-8050 1-202-225-3002
R DE Castle, Michael N. 1-202-225-4165 1-202-225-2291
D FL Bacchus, James 1-202-225-3671 1-202-225-9039
D FL Brown, Corrine 1-202-225-0123 1-202-225-2256
D FL Deutsch, Peter 1-202-225-7931 1-202-225-8456
D FL Gibbons, Samuel M. 1-202-225-3376 na
D FL Hastings, Alcee L. 1-202-225-1313 1-202-225-0690
D FL Hutto, Earl 1-202-225-4136 1-202-225-5785
D FL Johnston II, Harry 1-202-225-3001 1-202-225-8791
D FL Meek, Carrie 1-202-225-4506 1-202-226-0777
D FL Peterson, Peter 1-202-225-5235 1-202-225-1586
R FL Bilirakis, Michael 1-202-225-5755 1-202-225-4085
R FL Canady, Charles T. 1-202-225-1252 na
R FL Diaz-Balart, Lincoln 1-202-225-4211 1-202-225-8576
R FL Fowler, Tillie 1-202-225-2501 na
R FL Goss, Porter J. 1-202-225-2536 1-202-225-6820
R FL Lewis, Thomas 1-202-225-5792 1-202-225-1860
R FL McCollum, William 1-202-225-2176 na
R FL Mica, John L. 1-202-225-4035 1-202-226-0821
R FL Miller, Dan 1-202-225-5015 1-202-226-0828
R FL Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana 1-202-225-3931 1-202-225-5620
R FL Shaw Jr., E. C. 1-202-225-3026 1-202-225-8398
R FL Stearns, Clifford B. 1-202-225-5744 1-202-225-3973
R FL Thurman, Carol L. 1-202-225-1002 1-202-226-0329
R FL Young, C. W. 1-202-225-5961 1-202-225-9764
D GA Bishop, Sanford 1-202-225-3631 1-202-225-2203
D GA Darden III, George 1-202-225-2931 na
D GA Deal, Nathan 1-202-225-5211 1-202-225-8272
D GA Johnson, Don 1-202-225-4101 1-202-226-1466
D GA Lewis, John 1-202-225-3801 1-202-225-0351
D GA McKinney, Cynthia 1-202-225-1605 1-202-226-0691
D GA Rowland, J. R. 1-202-225-6531 na
R GA Collins, Mac 1-202-225-5901 1-202-225-2515
R GA Gingrich, Newt 1-202-225-4501 1-202-225-4656
R GA Kingston, Jack 1-202-225-5831 1-202-226-2269
R GA Linder, John 1-202-225-4272 na
D GU Underwood, Robert A. 1-202-225-1188 1-202-226-0341
D HI Abercrombie, Neil 1-202-225-2726 na
D HI Mink, Patsy T. 1-202-225-4906 1-202-225-4987
D IA Smith, Neal 1-202-225-4426 na
R IA Grandy, Fred 1-202-225-5476 na
R IA Leach, James 1-202-225-6576 1-202-226-1278
R IA Lightfoot, James R. 1-202-225-3806 1-202-225-6973
R IA Nussle, James Allen 1-202-225-2911 1-202-225-9129
D ID LaRocco, Larry 1-202-225-6611 na
R ID Crapo, Michael D. 1-202-225-5531 na
D IL Collins, Cardiss 1-202-225-5006 1-202-225-8396
D IL Costello, Jerry F. 1-202-225-5661 1-202-225-0285
D IL Durbin, Richard J. 1-202-225-5271 1-202-225-0170
D IL Evans, Lane 1-202-225-5905 1-202-225-5396
D IL Lipinski, William O. 1-202-225-5701 1-202-225-1012
D IL Poshard, Glendal W. 1-202-225-5201 1-202-225-1541
D IL Reynolds, Mel 1-202-225-0773 na
D IL Rostenkowski, Daniel 1-202-225-4061 na
D IL Rush, Bobby L. 1-202-225-4372 1-202-226-0333
D IL Sangmeister, George 1-202-225-3635 1-202-225-4447
D IL Yates, Sidney R. 1-202-225-2111 1-202-225-3493
R IL Crane, Philip M. 1-202-225-3711 na
R IL Ewing, Thomas 1-202-225-2371 1-202-225-8071
R IL Fawell, Harris W. 1-202-225-3515 1-202-225-9420
R IL Gutierrez, Luis V. 1-202-225-8203 1-202-225-7810
R IL Hastert, J. D. 1-202-225-2976 1-202-225-0697
R IL Hyde, Henry J. 1-202-225-4561 1-202-226-1240
R IL Manzullo, Donald 1-202-225-5676 1-202-225-5284
R IL Michel, Robert H. 1-202-225-6201 1-202-225-9461
R IL Porter, John E. 1-202-225-4835 1-202-225-0157
D IN Buyer, Steve 1-202-225-5037 na
D IN Hamilton, Lee H. 1-202-225-5315 1-202-225-1101
D IN Jacobs Jr., Andrew 1-202-225-4011 na
D IN Long, Jill 1-202-225-4436 na
D IN McCloskey, Frank 1-202-225-4636 1-202-225-4688
D IN Roemer, Timothy 1-202-225-3915 1-202-225-6798
D IN Sharp, Philip R. 1-202-225-3021 na
D IN Visclosky, Peter J. 1-202-225-2461 1-202-225-2493
R IN Burton, Daniel 1-202-225-2276 1-202-225-0016
R IN Myers, John T. 1-202-225-5805 na
D KS Glickman, Daniel 1-202-225-6216 na
D KS Slattery, James 1-202-225-6601 1-202-225-1445
R KS Meyers, Jan 1-202-225-2865 1-202-225-0554
R KS Roberts, Pat 1-202-225-2715 1-202-225-5375
D KY Baesler, Scotty 1-202-225-4706 na
D KY Barlow, Tom 1-202-225-3115 1-202-225-2169
D KY Mazzoli, Romano L. 1-202-225-5401 na
D KY Natcher, William H. 1-202-225-3501 na
R KY Bunning, James 1-202-225-3465 1-202-225-0003
R KY Rogers, Harold 1-202-225-4601 1-202-225-0940
D LA Fields, Cleo 1-202-225-8490 1-202-225-8959
D LA Hayes, James A. 1-202-225-2031 1-202-225-1175
D LA Jefferson, William 1-202-225-6636 1-202-225-1988
D LA Tauzin, W. J. 1-202-225-4031 1-202-225-0563
R LA Baker, Richard H. 1-202-225-3901 1-202-225-7313
R LA Livingston, Robert 1-202-225-3015 1-202-225-0739
R LA McCrery, James 1-202-225-2777 1-202-225-8039
D MA Frank, Barney 1-202-225-5931 1-202-225-0182
D MA Kennedy II, Joseph P. 1-202-225-5111 1-202-225-9322
D MA Markey, Edward J. 1-202-225-2836 1-202-225-8689
D MA Meehan, Martin T. 1-202-225-3411 1-202-226-0771
D MA Moakley, John Joseph 1-202-225-8273 1-202-225-7304
D MA Neal, Richard E. 1-202-225-5601 1-202-225-8112
D MA Olver, John W. 1-202-225-5335 1-202-226-1224
D MA Studds, Gerry E. 1-202-225-3111 1-202-225-2212
R MA Blute, Peter I. 1-202-225-6101 1-202-225-2217
R MA Torkildsen, Peter G. 1-202-225-8020 1-202-225-8037
D MD Cardin, Benjamin L. 1-202-225-4016 na
D MD Hoyer, Steny H. 1-202-225-4131 1-202-225-4300
D MD Mfume, Kweisi 1-202-225-4741 1-202-225-3178
D MD Wynn, Albert R. 1-202-225-8699 1-202-225-8714
R MD Bartlett, Roscoe G. 1-202-225-2721 na
R MD Bentley, Helen D. 1-202-225-3061 1-202-225-4251
R MD Gilchrest, Wayne T. 1-202-225-5311 1-202-225-0254
R MD Morella, Constance 1-202-225-5341 1-202-225-1389
D ME Andrews, Thomas H. 1-202-225-6116 1-202-225-9065
R ME Snowe, Olympia J. 1-202-225-6306 na
D MI Barcia, James A. 1-202-225-8171 1-202-225-2168
D MI Bonior, David E. 1-202-225-2106 1-202-226-1169
D MI Carr, Robert 1-202-225-4872 1-202-225-1260
D MI Collins Jr., Barbara 1-202-225-2261 1-202-225-6645
D MI Conyers Jr., John 1-202-225-5126 1-202-225-0072
D MI Dingell, John D. 1-202-225-4071 1-202-225-7426
D MI Ford, William D. 1-202-225-6261 na
D MI Kildee, Dale E. 1-202-225-3611 na
D MI Levin, Sander M. 1-202-225-4961 1-202-226-1033
D MI Stupak, Bart 1-202-225-4735 1-202-225-4744
R MI Camp, David Lee 1-202-225-3561 1-202-225-9679
R MI Henry, Paul B. 1-202-225-3831 na
R MI Hoekstra, Peter 1-202-225-4401 na
R MI Knollenberg, Joe 1-202-225-5802 1-202-226-2356
R MI Smith, Nick 1-202-225-6276 na
R MI Upton, Frederick S. 1-202-225-3761 1-202-225-4986
D MN Minge, David 1-202-225-2331 na
D MN Oberstar, James L. 1-202-225-6211 1-202-225-0699
D MN Penny, Timothy J. 1-202-225-2472 1-202-225-0051
D MN Peterson, Collin C. 1-202-225-2165 1-202-225-1593
D MN Sabo, Martin O. 1-202-225-4755 na
D MN Vento, Bruce F. 1-202-225-6631 na
R MN Grams, Rod 1-202-225-2271 1-202-225-9802
R MN Ramstad, James M. 1-202-225-2871 1-202-225-6351
D MO Clay, William L. 1-202-225-2406 1-202-225-1725
D MO Danner, Pat 1-202-225-7041 na
D MO Gephardt, Richard A. 1-202-225-2671 1-202-225-7452
D MO Skelton, Ike 1-202-225-2876 1-202-225-2695
D MO Volkmer, Harold L. 1-202-225-2956 1-202-225-7834
D MO Wheat, Alan 1-202-225-4535 1-202-225-5990
R MO Emerson, Bill 1-202-225-4404 1-202-225-9621
R MO Hancock, Melton D. 1-202-225-6536 1-202-225-7700
R MO Talent, James M. 1-202-225-2561 1-202-225-2563
D MS Montgomery, G. V. 1-202-225-5031 1-202-225-3375
D MS Parker, Paul M. 1-202-225-5865 1-202-225-5886
D MS Taylor, Gene 1-202-225-5772 1-202-225-7074
D MS Whitten, Jamie L. 1-202-225-4306 1-202-225-4328
D MT Williams, Pat 1-202-225-3211 na
D NC Clayton, Eva 1-202-225-3101 na
D NC Hefner, W. G. 1-202-225-3715 1-202-225-4036
D NC Lancaster, H. M. 1-202-225-3415 1-202-225-0666
D NC Neal, Stephen L. 1-202-225-2071 1-202-225-4060
D NC Price, David E. 1-202-225-1784 1-202-225-6314
D NC Rose, Charles 1-202-225-2731 1-202-225-2470
D NC Valentine, Tim 1-202-225-4531 1-202-225-1539
D NC Watt, Melvin 1-202-225-1510 1-202-225-1512
R NC Ballenger, Thomas C. 1-202-225-2576 1-202-225-0316
R NC Coble, Howard 1-202-225-3065 1-202-225-8611
R NC McMillan, J. A. 1-202-225-1976 na
R NC Taylor, Charles Hart 1-202-225-6401 1-202-251-0794
D ND Pomeroy, Earl 1-202-225-2611 1-202-226-0893
D NE Hoagland, Peter 1-202-225-4155 na
R NE Barrett, William E. 1-202-225-6435 na
R NE Bereuter, Douglas 1-202-225-4806 1-202-226-1148
D NH Swett, Richard N. 1-202-225-5206 na
R NH Zeliff Jr., William 1-202-225-5456 1-202-225-4370
D NJ Andrews, Robert E. 1-202-225-6501 na
D NJ Hughes, William J. 1-202-225-6572 1-202-226-1108
D NJ Klein, Herbert C. 1-202-225-5751 na
D NJ Menendez, Robert 1-202-225-7919 1-202-226-0792
D NJ Pallone Jr., Frank 1-202-225-4671 1-202-225-9665
D NJ Payne, Donald M. 1-202-225-3436 1-202-225-4160
D NJ Torricelli, Robert 1-202-224-5061 1-202-225-0843
R NJ Franks, Bob 1-202-225-5361 1-202-225-9460
R NJ Gallo, Dean A. 1-202-225-5034 1-202-225-0658
R NJ Roukema, Marge 1-202-225-4465 1-202-225-9048
R NJ Saxton, H. J. 1-202-225-4765 1-202-225-0778
R NJ Smith, Christopher 1-202-225-3765 1-202-225-7768
R NJ Zimmer, Richard A. 1-202-225-5801 1-202-225-9181
D NM Richardson, William 1-202-225-6190 na
R NM Schiff, Steven H. 1-202-225-6316 1-202-225-4975
R NM Skeen, Joseph 1-202-225-2365 1-202-225-9599
D NV Bilbray, James H. 1-202-225-5965 1-202-225-8808
R NV Vucanovich, Barbara 1-202-225-6155 1-202-225-2319
D NY Ackerman, Gary L. 1-202-225-2601 na
D NY Engel, Eliot L. 1-202-225-2464 na
D NY Flake, Floyd H. 1-202-225-3461 1-202-226-4169
D NY Hinchey, Maurice D. 1-202-225-6335 na
D NY Hochbrueckner, G. 1-202-225-3826 1-202-225-0776
D NY LaFalce, John J. 1-202-225-3231 na
D NY Lowey, Nita M. 1-202-225-6506 1-202-225-0546
D NY Maloney, Carolyn B. 1-202-225-7944 na
D NY Manton, Thomas J. 1-202-225-3965 na
D NY McNulty, Michael R. 1-202-225-5076 1-202-225-5077
D NY Nadler, Jerrold 1-202-225-5635 1-202-225-6923
D NY Owens, Major R. 1-202-225-6231 1-202-226-0112
D NY Rangel, Charles B. 1-202-225-4365 1-202-225-0816
D NY Schumer, Charles E. 1-202-225-6616 1-202-225-4183
D NY Serrano, Jose E. 1-202-225-4361 1-202-225-6001
D NY Slaughter, Louise M. 1-202-225-3615 1-202-225-7822
D NY Towns, Edolphus 1-202-225-5936 1-202-225-1018
D NY Velazquez, Nydia M. 1-202-225-2361 1-202-226-0327
R NY Boehlert, Sherwood 1-202-225-3665 1-202-225-1891
R NY Fish Jr., Hamilton 1-202-225-5441 1-202-225-0962
R NY Gilman, Benjamin A. 1-202-225-3776 na
R NY Houghton, Amory 1-202-225-3161 1-202-225-5574
R NY King, Peter T. 1-202-225-7896 1-202-226-2279
R NY Lazio, Rick A. 1-202-225-3335 na
R NY Levy, David A. 1-202-225-5516 1-202-225-4672
R NY McHugh, John M. 1-202-225-4611 na
R NY Molinari, Susan 1-202-225-3371 1-202-226-1272
R NY Paxon, L. W. 1-202-225-5265 1-202-225-5910
R NY Quinn, Jack 1-202-225-3306 1-202-226-0347
R NY Solomon, Gerald B. 1-202-225-5614 1-202-225-1168
R NY Walsh, James T. 1-202-225-3701 1-202-225-4042
D OH Applegate, Douglas 1-202-225-6265 na
D OH Brown, Sherrod 1-202-225-3401 na
D OH Fingerhut, Eric D. 1-202-225-5731 na
D OH Hall, Tony P. 1-202-225-6465 na
D OH Kaptur, Marcy 1-202-225-4146 1-202-225-7711
D OH Mann, Davis S. 1-202-225-2216 na
D OH Sawyer, Thomas C. 1-202-225-5231 1-202-225-5278
D OH Stokes, Louis 1-202-225-7032 1-202-225-1339
D OH Strickland, Ted 1-202-225-5705 1-202-226-0331
D OH Traficant Jr., James 1-202-225-5261 1-202-225-3719
R OH Boehner, John Andrew 1-202-225-6205 1-202-225-0704
R OH Gillmor, Paul E. 1-202-225-6405 na
R OH Hobson, David L. 1-202-225-4324 na
R OH Hoke, Martin R. 1-202-225-5871 1-202-226-0994
R OH Kasich, John R. 1-202-225-5355 na
R OH Oxley, Michael G. 1-202-225-2676 na
R OH Pryce, Deborah 1-202-225-2015 1-202-226-0986
R OH Regula, Ralph 1-202-225-3876 1-202-225-3059
D OK Brewster, Billy Kent 1-202-225-4565 na
D OK English, Glenn 1-202-225-5565 1-202-225-8698
D OK McCurdy, David 1-202-225-6165 1-202-225-9746
D OK Synar, Michael 1-202-225-2701 1-202-225-2796
R OK Inhofe, James M. 1-202-225-2211 1-202-225-9187
R OK Istook, Ernest Jim 1-202-225-2132 na
D OR DeFazio, Peter A. 1-202-225-6416 na
D OR Furse, Elizabeth 1-202-225-0855 na
D OR Kopetski, Michael J. 1-202-225-5711 1-202-225-9477
D OR Wyden, Ronald 1-202-225-4811 na
R OR Smith, Robert F. 1-202-225-6730 na
D PA Blackwell, Lucien E. 1-202-225-4001 1-202-225-7362
D PA Borski, Robert A. 1-202-225-8251 1-202-225-4628
D PA Coyne, William J. 1-202-225-2301 na
D PA Foglietta, Thomas M. 1-202-225-4731 1-202-225-0088
D PA Holden, Tim 1-202-225-5546 1-202-226-0996
D PA Kanjorski, Paul E. 1-202-225-6511 1-202-225-9024
D PA Klink, Ron 1-202-225-2565 na
D PA Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie 1-202-225-6111 1-202-226-0798
D PA McHale, Paul 1-202-225-6411 1-202-225-5320
D PA Murphy, Austin J. 1-202-225-4665 1-202-225-4772
D PA Murtha, John P. 1-202-225-2065 1-202-225-5709
R PA Clinger Jr., William 1-202-225-5121 1-202-225-4681
R PA Gekas, George W. 1-202-225-4315 1-202-225-8440
R PA Goodling, William F. 1-202-225-5836 1-202-226-1000
R PA Greenwood, Jim 1-202-225-4276 1-202-225-9511
R PA McDade, Joseph M. 1-202-225-3731 1-202-225-9594
R PA Ridge, Thomas J. 1-202-225-5406 na
R PA Santorum, Richard J. 1-202-225-2135 1-202-225-7747
R PA Shuster, Bud 1-202-225-2431 na
R PA Walker, Robert S. 1-202-225-2411 na
R PA Weldon, Curt 1-202-225-2011 1-202-225-8137
D PR Romero-Barcelo, Carlos 1-202-225-2615 1-202-225-2154
D RI Reed, John F. 1-202-225-2735 1-202-225-9580
R RI Machtley, Ronald K. 1-202-225-4911 1-202-225-4417
D SA Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. 1-202-225-8577 na
D SC Clyburn, James E. 1-202-225-3315 1-202-225-2302
D SC Derrick, Butler 1-202-225-5301 na
D SC Spratt Jr., John M. 1-202-225-5501 1-202-225-0464
R SC Inglis, Bob 1-202-225-6030 na
R SC Ravenel Jr., Arthur 1-202-225-3176 na
R SC Spence, Floyd 1-202-225-2452 1-202-225-2455
D SD Johnson, Timothy P. 1-202-225-2801 1-202-225-2427
D TN Clement, Robert 1-202-225-4311 1-202-226-1035
D TN Cooper, James 1-202-225-6831 1-202-225-4520
D TN Ford, Harold E. 1-202-225-3265 na
D TN Lloyd, Marilyn 1-202-225-3271 1-202-225-6974
D TN Tanner, John S. 1-202-225-4714 1-202-225-1765
R TN Duncan Jr., John J. 1-202-225-5435 1-202-225-6440
R TN Gordon, Bart 1-202-225-4231 1-202-225-6887
R TN Quillen, James H. 1-202-225-6356 1-202-225-7812
R TN Sundquist, Donald 1-202-225-2811 1-202-225-2814
D TX Andrews, Michael A. 1-202-255-7508 na
D TX Brooks, Jack 1-202-225-6565 1-202-225-1584
D TX Bryant, John 1-202-225-2231 na
D TX Chapman, Jim 1-202-225-3035 1-202-225-7265
D TX Coleman, Ronald D. 1-202-225-4831 na
D TX Edwards, Chet 1-202-225-6105 1-202-225-0350
D TX Frost, Martin 1-202-225-3605 1-202-225-4951
D TX Geren, Peter 1-202-225-5071 1-202-225-2786
D TX Gonzalez, Henry B. 1-202-225-3236 1-202-225-1915
D TX Green, Gene 1-202-225-1688 1-202-225-9903
D TX Hall, Ralph M. 1-202-225-6673 1-202-225-3332
D TX Johnson, Eddie Bernice 1-202-225-8885 na
D TX Laughlin, Gregory H. 1-202-225-2831 1-202-225-1108
D TX Ortiz, Solomon P. 1-202-225-7742 1-202-226-1134
D TX Pickle, J. J. 1-202-225-4865 na
D TX Sarpalius, Bill 1-202-225-3706 1-202-225-6142
D TX Stenholm, Charles W. 1-202-225-6605 1-202-225-2234
D TX Tejeda, Frank 1-202-225-1640 na
D TX Washington, Craig A. 1-202-225-3816 na
D TX Wilson, Charles 1-202-225-2401 1-202-225-1764
D TX de la Garza, E 1-202-225-2531 1-202-225-2534
R TX Archer, William 1-202-225-2571 1-202-225-4381
R TX Armey, Richard K. 1-202-225-7772 1-202-225-7614
R TX Barton, Joseph 1-202-225-2002 1-202-225-3052
R TX Bonilla, Henry 1-202-225-4511 na
R TX Combest, Larry 1-202-225-4005 na
Version: 2.3a